Frequently asked questions

How much does it cost to access The Wellbeing Line?
Accessing The Wellbeing Line is free.
How do you protect my data? Will my information be shared?

All contacts with The Wellbeing Line are confidential and no details are shared with your employer, occupational health or HR – unless this is something which you would find helpful to have support with. Some notes are made during your call, which are then transferred into completely anonymous data – which is used to help us shape the service and to comply with national data reporting requirements. Any notes with identifiable information are stored securely and deleted after 90 days. In the event that we are concerned about risk to you or to somebody else or where there are safeguarding concerns, we might have to breach confidentiality, but will always discuss this with you first and try to find a way to manage it together.

Why do we collect your personal information?

  • To enable us to help you find the best possible support.
  • To enable us to contact you for feedback about our service and/or about the support you have gone on to receive.
  • To enable us to monitor our service delivery, to identify gaps in service provision and to ensure we are making our support available to all employees.

How do we use your personal information?

  • Personal data is recorded in our clinical system, which is confidential and does NOT form part of any wider clinical data sharing system.
  • We are able to access your personal data if you have had contact with any NHS services (eg: GP; Mental Health services). This enables us to work with you to join up your care. However, those other organisations are NOT able to see that you have been in contact with The Wellbeing Line.
  • If there is any circumstance in which we need to keep your personal details elsewhere (eg: recording attendance at a team support session), this will be in a locked folder on our computer system, which is password protected and is only accessible to The Wellbeing Line team.
  • We will share some anonymised data with your employer. This enables us and them to look at trends, which will help to inform service development and support colleagues in the future.
  • As part of our reporting requirement we will share anonymised data with NHSE/I.

Read our full privacy policy here:

How do I contact The Wellbeing Line?

Our phone lines are open Monday-Friday, 9am-4:30pm. We welcome you to call us anytime and if we are not available please do leave us a message with your contact details and where possible we try to return your call on the same day, but sometimes it will be the next working day. If you would like to arrange a call with us, please email us and we will book this in with you.

What happens when I call or email?
We will give you time and a safe space to discuss what has been happening for you, then work together to make sense of what is going on and think of ways to help you move forward.
Will I get a follow up call?
Yes, we will arrange a follow up call with you for approximately two weeks after your initial call to check in and see how you are doing and to discuss any further support if needed.
Are The Wellbeing Line staff/employees trained?

Our team has a wide variety of experience and training within mental health.

What makes The Wellbeing Line different from occupational health/other services available?
The Wellbeing Line has not been set up to replace services that are already available and is in addition to support offered by your employer. Part of what makes us unique is the safe, supportive and confidential space to talk that we are able to offer to people, with very little wait time and no need to complete a referral form.
Will I receive counselling through The Wellbeing Line?

The Wellbeing Line does not offer counselling or therapy, but we can support people in navigating to the most appropriate therapeutic support should that be required.

Do I have to be referred by my GP, Occupational Health or my employer?
No, The Wellbeing Line is a self-referral service that you can access directly as an individual should you want to.
How soon can I speak to someone?
We aim to respond to all calls and emails within two working days, although most contacts within the opening hours will be responded to on the same day.
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